Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Back to School Parent Handbook


Are you looking for a way to present important information that parents need to know in a manner that won't end up in the trash by the end of the night?  

Goal:  The Refrigerator!
(Primary display real estate!)
It is very easy to make and is completely editable!
The flip book can be edited to meet your classroom needs!

 1. Download free fonts.  I have included clickable links to the free fonts I used in this product.  You, of course, can always use your own favorite fonts!

2.  Type (Yep!  It's that simple!)  No more cutting and gluing of labels!  Can I get an Amen?!  

3.  Print
4. Cut and Staple

You can even add magnets to the back!
Click here to check it out!!


  1. What a great idea! I love how everything is right there and easy for parents to access.

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  2. Thanks Amanda! I'm excited to hand them out to parents this year!


  3. So cute! What a great idea! I am definitely doing this for my prek class next year! My students' parents are all teachers in the local school district and I know they will love it, too! Thanks so much and have a blessed year!

  4. I did this last year and this year, and I added a magnet to the back so families could put it right on the refrigerator!

  5. WOW! This is amazing! I am going to make something very similar for my parents at my learning center for children with autism in Paris, France. Thanks so much for the awesome idea! I plan to link back to it on my blog.

  6. <a href="
