Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saving Money All Year

What teacher doesn't want (need) to save money?
I'm so excited to tell you how I spent part of my day saving money for the entire year!

My sister introduced me to DIY Laundry Soap last year. 
The laundry soap ingredients cost less than $40 and it lasts an entire year!  Mine lasted just under a year but maybe I do a lot of laundry!  

Here is what you will need.

1 (4lb 120z.) Box of Borax

1 (3lb 7oz.) Box of Arm & Hammer super Washing Soda

1 (3lb) Container of OxyClean

2 (14.1 oz) bars of Zote Soap (When I made it this time, I discovered they make Zote Soap Chips!)

1 (4lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

2 (55 oz.) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener

Thats it!!!

If you get the Zote Soap bars, you will have to put it in the microwave, watch it poof (kinda fun), and flake it apart. (My kids loved this part, me, not so much!) 

This year I simply bought the Zote Soap chips!  Yay!  Much easier.  The kids weren't as happy but mom was!

Mix it all together!  My girls seem to really enjoy our yearly soap making.

Yep!  It even seems as if my husband likes to join in on the fun too!

Can't pass up a good teachable moment!

 Simply reuse a few of the containers the soaps originally came in and...

The finished product!

We got this idea from How Does She?  Check her out!  She is amazing!


  1. You obviously were happy with the results if this is your second time making it. Do you use a similar amount/load as any commercial detergent? I am extremely frugal, but this is something I have not tried, but am anxious to. I hate spending money on certain, any ideas for bras?

    1. I am happy with the results! I use a 2 Tablespoon scoop for each load of laundry. I totally understand not wanting to spend money on any extra things! I really like to convenience of this soap too! Before I seemed to be always running to the store to buy laundry soap. Now I only worry about it once a year!

      I wash my bras in it too. I just have a delicate bag that I put them in. Wash like normal with my colors and air dry!
