A four letter word that we find ourselves racing against every day as educators.
Another four letter that drives our instruction.
So the question becomes, How do we get more time and data without feeling as if we are testing these kiddos to boredom?
A few years ago, I was introduced to the answer...ESGI!
I LOVE using ESGI to help my with
words, letter recognition, and number recognition!
ESGI makes me look like a rockstar at conferences, RTI meetings, academic meetings, and etc.
I urge you to check it out! The only disappointment will be that you taught previously without it!
I HATE buying things without a super discount! Soooo, ESGI is offering a 60 day FREE trial (I love FREE!) PLUS a $50 OFF code!! Click on the button bellow to grab this offer!
I'd love to hear your ESGI success stories below! How does ESGI save you precious time in your classroom?
Just add an emoji that represents the group in front of each members name. Then when you want to search for group members, just search for the emoji! Easily create work groups, sports groups, or clubs!
16 weeks sharing your personal, everything is in it's place, classroom can be a whirlwind experience! It's stretches even veteran teachers to, like long ago, see things through young eyes. Yes, I'm feeling old lately...I used to be the young one!
I was blessed to have a great student teacher and a wonderful experience! Near the end of those 16 weeks together...yes, I said 16 weeks, we began working as a well oiled machine!
Thank you Erin Condren for helping me to make my student teacher's parting gift memorable AND functional! Using my Silhouette Cameo and the PixScan mat, I was able to cut out the student's signatures and apply each one of them to the back of an Erin Condren Teacher Planner!
"It's time to spread your wings and fly!"
Target Dollar Spot...I love you!
Finally, what better way to send off a student teacher into the real world...(She already has a job!!)...than to get advice from the real experts, FIRST GRADERS!!
We made her a book on How to be a Super Teacher! Then, of course, we made it into a video! (Click to get your free copy!)
This will be the 5th year for this amazing event, and we know this
will be the MOST INCREDIBLE EVENT YET! Are you ready to feel appreciated for
all of the work you do in your classroom every day? Need a weekend away
with your teaching besties to relax and rejuvenate? Want to be uplifted by
other passionate educators and fall in love with teaching all over again? If
you answered yes to any of these questions, the2018 Spring Teacher Retreat is for YOU!
We have an AMAZING weekend planned
for you this year!
On Friday night, we will be holding an optional pre-registration
social event to welcome all of those teachers checking in early. (More details will be announced soon!)
We will start off the Saturday festivities bright and early as we
register attendees and offer breakfast treats and beverages to kick off the
day! The morning will be filled with an inspiring keynote from our INCREDIBLE
keynote speakers, Hope and Wade King, educators at the world renowned
Ron Clark Academy, authors of the soon-to-be-released The Wild Card book, and co-founders of the high-energy Get Your Teach On conference! A wide variety of other professional
development sessions and mini-sessions will be offered to fill the remainder of
the afternoon! We have an amazing line-up of the most inspiring presenters, educators, administrators, TPT authors and teacher-bloggers coming to join us for this special event! (A lunch break will be provided between sessions. Lunch will be
on your own, but we will provide many options for you to choose from!)
We will join back together in the evening for our annual Saturday
night social event! This year, we will be traveling back in time to the roaring 20's for a Mayhem & Mystery party like none
other! Come dressed in 20's attire and join us as we socialize, snack, collect
clues, interview suspects and figure out "WHODUNIT!" It will be an
evening filled with flappers, fun,
gangsters and games! This will be an engagement experience that no educator will want
to miss! Oh! And did we mention the incredible give-aways??? With the help of
our amazing event sponsors, we going to spoil you with incredible teacher swag!
We've designed this weekend for you to be able to CONNECT with other
amazing educators, be INSPIRED, learn ways to ENGAGE your students at
the highest levels, and leave energized to return to your classrooms and TEACH with renewed
passion and energy!And the absolute BEST PART?You will have SO MUCH FUN! It will be an unforgettable
weekend…and YOU DESERVE IT!
Click HERE to visit our
event website and get registered for just $80!
For more information about the event, visit our website at www.springteacherretreat.com. You will find details about all of the events for the
weekend, information about the resort, hotel reservation information, t-shirt
ordering links, and more! Be sure to follow us on Instagram @springteacherretreatfor all of the
latest updates!
I tell them one circle is for I Will Take a Nap! and the other circle is for Waiting Is Not Easy! They can easily put the choices in that are for one book only. It's so fun to problem solve with kiddos on the labels that should be in BOTH circles. Then we discuss how overlapping the circles allows some labels to describe both books!
Such a fun and simple activity!
How do you like to introduce venn diagrams in your classroom?
This is a common struggle for classroom teachers. How can I have students work independently on their math workbook when they can't read the word problems?
The simple answer is Seesaw (FREE!!)
Seesaw has become my best friend! Seriously! I don't know how I taught without it!
Seesaw is an student online learning journal or portfolio. It has truly changed my classroom and did I mention it's FREE!
I simply record my voice reading word problems from our math curriculum that students may encounter during independent work time.
Hear's how to do it!
1. Click on the "plus" to post to a student journal.
2. Choose to "Add File".
3. Drag and drop your screenshot images! (This is my favorite part!)
4. Choose "Record" to record yourself reading the word problem.
5. Click the checkmark! ( I add it to a folder labeled with the chapter and lesson.) Done!
This is what students the students' view.
Now, when they get to these word problems, they simply click to play my voice!
Easy Peasy!
I would love to hear how you use Seesaw in you room!
Every year at our Spring Teacher Blogger Retreat, after a day filled with connecting with other educators and filling our hearts and minds with the most inspiring professional development imaginable, we inject some pure fun into our retreat weekend in the form of a "Saturday Night Social Event!"
This year, our Saturday Night Social Event was all about rolling out the red carpet for the amazing educators in attendance...and making them feel like the celebrities that they are!
As teachers ourselves, the planning committee knows how many hours of over-time teachers spend doing all that they can to make each day's lessons special. We know how much of your own money you spend equipping your classroom with everything it needs to make learning come alive.
And to us... Well, that makes you a VIP worthy of celebrating!
Our goal was to provide those attending the full red carpet experience...and the help of a few amazing sponsors, we made it happen!
The theme for our evening event wasn't a hard one to come up with! We knew right away that the evening had to fit hand-in-hand with the objective of our retreat...spoiling (and thanking) educators who work so hard in the trenches everyday. However, figuring out how to pull off a true red-carpet event was going to take some expertise and major support!
Without hesitation, ESGI stepped up with excitement to team with us to bring our dream to life!
And we (the planning committee) weren't surprised a bit! ESGI is ever-present, year-round, supporting teachers as they seek to be the best they can be! They have been long-standing, loyal supporters of our annual teacher-blogger events, and their true love for educators shows in everything they do!
I mean, after all.... If it wasn't for ESGI helping the entire planning team with assessments and report cards, saving us EACH over 400 hours a year (That's real people! Not an exaggeration!)... the planners would never have time to plan the Spring Teacher Blogger Event! LOL
Teachers...once you use ESGI, you will NEVER go back! It's a game-changer, my friends!
Don't just take it from me...ask any ESGI user, like these friends!
So.. as quick as a wink, with the help of ESGI, we built a "red carpet dream team" consisting of Chris Pombanyo (LIVE in the Classroom), Chase Mayo (professional videographer) and Kristen Black Sloan (ESGI) to work with us to make the red carpet event happen!
And.... WA-LA! We made it happen!
Check out this crowd awaiting the celebrity LIVE stream!
Take a peek of some of the incredible LIVE stream clips created by Chris, Chase, Kristen and their gifted team....
And that was just a peek at the red carpet activities!
There was SO much more fun to be had!
Take a peek at how attendees were welcomed to the event....in TRUE red carpet fashion!
We were so thankful for their generous sponsorship of our event décor!
As every teacher knows, Oriental Trading has EVERYTHING you need to flip your space, whether its a classroom or a ballroom, into the perfect environment for fun!
Did I mention that we challenged the attendees to dress up like their favorite celebrities?
I choose Leslie Mann...she's on the left in case you couldn't tell!
Take a look at a few other of the famous look-alikes we had in attendance!!
ELLEN showed up as well!
It wouldn't have been a red carpet night without this DENIM-atic Duo!
Hello Brtney and Justin! (A.K.A. Hope and Wade King)
Everybody's favorite GoNoodle group showed up too!
Thanks HUE for supporting teachers and helping to sponsor our
2017 Spring Teacher Blogger Retreat!
The evening was also filled with some fantastic music and dancing!
And our "Red Carpet Event" would not have been complete without an awards show of our own!
Nominations for several categories were taken early in the evening, then using the Kahoot app, attendees voted to select winners in each category! It was a blast!
Winners went home with framed certificates and of course, their own Oscar-like trophy!
GoNoodle generously sponsored an amazing professional photo booth for the event!
Leave it to GoNoodle to find a way to record the amazing memories and fun of the night!
GoNoodle, We LOVE you!!!
Oh my goodness! It was quite a night!
If you were not able to join us this year, be sure and mark your calendars for next year's event!
You will NOT want to miss what we have planned!
And...Until next year.... That's a wrap my friends!